Good! Then talk to NetFocus, because thats what Opt-in or Permission Email Marketing is all about. Plus it reduces production cost and time, the cost of gaining new customers and the cost of re-marketing to existing customers to levels that are just a fraction of traditional promotional methods.
Its a proven fact that Email Marketing can yield response rates much higher than those of traditional direct and indirect mail methods. NetFocus Marketing helps you maximize your promotion dollars and build your business.
NetFocus Marketing works to create Email Marketing campaigns that:
- Closely target clients who want or need your offering
- Develops your target customer list with consenting, interested individuals
- Develop a compelling message packaged specifically for the Web and how people operate on the Web to increase the response rates
- Present a complete campaign to the Visitor that doesnt begin and end with an email message
- Avoids annoying your customers with Net-iquette that also produces results.
How much did the last mailer you sent to potential customers cost? |
How long did it take to produce? |
Did it go to a targeted group who had expressed an interest in your offering? |
Did you have a good response? |
Did you know that the cost to gain a new customer is many times the cost to make additional sales to an existing customer? |
Dont want to SPAM your customers? |